Patrick Fernbach to Discuss 2024 Ohio Mechanical Code Update at ASHRAE Cincinnati

Patrick Fernbach, PE, WELL AP
Principal | Director of Mechanical Engineering
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Patrick Fernbach, PE, WELL AP, principal, director of mechanical engineering at Kohrs Lonnemann Heil Engineers, Inc. (KLH Engineers), will discuss the 2024 Ohio Mechanical Code Update and its impact on mechanical systems at an ASHRAE Cincinnati luncheon held on February 13, 2024.

Effective March 1, 2024, the 2024 Ohio Building Code (OBC), Mechanical (OMC) and Plumbing Codes (OPC) removes duplicative and unnecessary language by incorporating by reference the 2021 edition of the International Codes (I-Codes) with Ohio amendments. Thus, the Ohio Board of Building Standards will no longer duplicate I-Codes model language unchanged by Ohio in the OBC, OMC and OPC rules.

Fernbach will specifically discuss the changes to the Ohio Mechanical Code and Ohio Energy Code, and the impacts on mechanical design. The changes will include updates to ventilation requirements for multi-family projects, dryer exhaust requirements, general exhaust system requirements, ceiling radiation damper requirements, and others. Fernbach will also be highlighting some change to the energy code requirements that impact mechanical systems.

The event is open to ASHRAE members and non-members. Additional details and registration is available here.

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Founded in 1955, KLH Engineers is nationally ranked among the top mechanical, electrical, plumbing and technology engineering firms. As one of the most technically advanced practices in the architecture, engineering and construction industry, KLH leverages building information modeling and in-house software to deliver innovative and value-driven solutions. KLH serves the civic, education, healthcare, hospitality, lifestyle, industrial, retail and workplace markets.

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