How to Update Add-Ins:
- Download the latest installer from the following location:
- Run .exe file.
- KLH Revit Installer Dialog Box Appears
- Click “Update”.
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- Updated with the ability to setup sheets with multiple views per sheet based on an initial mapping within the scope box tab.
- Auto-Insert
- Now modeless to allow interaction with Revit while the tool is open.
- Updated to map and insert Model Groups and Revit Link Instances accurately.
- Updated with the ability to define parameters per map to set / update upon insertion.
- Revit 2025 Support
- Revit 2020 is no longer supported
- Branding
- Updated “General” bundle to “AEC Design” Suite
- Updated “KLH TOOLS” toolbar to “KLH Collection”
- AEC Automate
- Added new “AEC Automate” Suite, which includes a new tool, “Auto Insert”
- Auto Insert
- Map Revit family types to linked model family types or linked AutoCAD blocks.
- Map with relative locations.
- Automatically map based on parameter values.
- Import / Export mappings.
- Update the locations of families already placed and determine what items are still missing.
- All users subscribed to the AEC Design suite will have free access to the AEC Automate suite for a limited time.
- AEC Design
- Shortcut
- New tool to create a shortcut (.lnk file) that will open the current model with the proper version of Revit and with selected options.
- Open options include Detach, Sync, Audit, Close, Worksets All, Worksets User Specified, and Worksets Last Viewed
- This shortcut is especially helpful to open Autodesk Cloud Models without manually navigating the Revit Home screen.
- New tool to create a shortcut (.lnk file) that will open the current model with the proper version of Revit and with selected options.
- Bulk Parameter Editor
- Speed improvements when reading large amounts of parameter data
- Feedback and Bug Fixes
- Minor UI updates
- Shortcut
- Model Management
- MMA Automation – Added the ability to save and recall / play back selected settings.
- Feedback and Bug Fixes
- Electric
- Rebalance Loads
- New tool that automates pressing the “Rebalance Loads” button within the selected electrical panel schedule views.
- Multi-Circuiter
- Added option to rebalance loads for a selected element and its children
- PnlSched Helper
- New tool that aids in inserting panel schedules on a sheet, keeping the panel key up to date, adding / removing spares / spaces, squishing breakers, etc.
- Rebalance Loads
- Bulk Parameter Editor
- New Features
- Ability to change viewport types
- Sum, avg, count, etc. at the bottom of the data view
- Column option to show the row’s element Id and unique Id
- Ability to hide the “Add Filter” area when not in use
- Option to have multiple instances of BPE open at a time
- “Select Dependent Elements” option in context menu
- Ability to show categories of all family instances in the model.
- Updates
- “Refresh” will only refresh the items currently visible
- New Features
- New Features
- KO Tools
- Used to transfer specific families from another model
- Import title-blocks
- Import project standards
- Import Worksets
- Used to transfer specific families from another model
- Import From Prototype Options Added to Views and Sheets
- Preview arrangement settings of a sheet and modify as needed. Will update arrangement dimensions.
- Add and arrange a Keyplan
- 3D View available to view linked levels.
- Added new purge options within Advanced Model Release
- Ability to preview a sheet index prior to creating views.
- Copy a View Type within the View Settings
- KO Tools
- Updates
- Ability to delete a View Type within the View Settings
- Scope Box size column in Scope Box tab to determine if a view will fit on a sheet
- Ability to add a custom character in the sheet naming
- Levels tab now shows the level height relative to the level below
- Added progress dialogs when creating views and sheets
- Abbreviations can now be set for phases
- Select all option added to the Import Scope Boxes from Link
- Plan Views will now show views that are currently in the model
- Fixed
- Arranging views without having sheets gives an error
- Error Message When Removing Levels
- Importing From Linked Model doesn’t bring in scope boxes
- Error when matching settings to preview in Arrangement tab
- Error when executing Run Acquired Coordinates
- New Features
- Sync Equipment
- Fixed
- As a user, I need a more specific error message displayed when there are parameter mapping issues
- Fixed
- Multi-Circuiter
- Fixed
- Circuit Description Blanking Out, Not Filling Out the Room Name
- Fixed
- Sheet View Editor is now modeless.
- Fixed an issue where some tools would close sheet views prior to making changes.
- Fixed an issue when running Space Helper when no 3D views are in the model.
- Update notifications are now displayed in the ribbon as a new button instead of a popup dialog on startup.
- Fixed a bug where Sync Equipment would throw an error on Sync.
- Added a link to this change log within the update dialog.